Benefits Of PsycHolistics

Do you ever feel as if life has lost its flavour? Or like you have lost your mojo? Maybe things don’t excite you like they once did or life may have little meaning or purpose for you.

Or perhaps you find yourself frequently irritated and annoyed, over little things that you know “shouldn’t” upset you as much as they do and that leave you cranky and grouchy with those close to you.

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 Or perhaps you just plain feel lonely and uncared about. As if no-one – including you – would care if you just dropped quietly off the face of the earth. As if there is a glass wall separating you from other people, including people who say they care about you.

Or maybe you find yourself eternally worrying over anything and everything, the future, your relatives, your health, your finances, your safety…. and on and on.  One worry is quickly replaced by another, so that you are always tense, expecting the worst and unable to relax.

Then again, you might find  yourself going over and over things that you said wrong, did wrong, didn’t say, didn’t do, should have done, should not have done, till you feel like screaming!

If you are feeling any of these feelings – chronically lost, bored, angry, depressed, anxious or guilty, ruminating and stuck, and are sick of feeling this way, then we at PsycHolistics can help you.

There are 3 main benefits of PsycHolistics …

1. Uniquely Tailored Program

Not a one-size fits all approach, but a blend of methods designed to fit your particular personality and goals. So in addition to CBT, we will coach and help you develop a program using practical examples, psychodrama, art, hypnotherapy, games and exercises, EMDR, NLP, coaching, nature-guided therapy  – that particular combination of methods which will best help you achieve your goals.

2. Strong Focus on Action

Not just talking, but action methods to actively rewire your brain. Modern approaches to psychotherapy make exquisite use of the brain’s “plasticity”, the fact that we can rewire the connections within the brain. You will be shown how to make your brain work for your benefit to the point where you can be free of most medications.

You need more than just a talking approach to do this however. Did you know that around three quarters of people learn only by watching, doing or experiencing rather than by what they hear? At PsyHolistics we are mindful of this tremendous need for you to learn by doing and experiencing, not just talking – and this is another reason we might use practical exercises or drama, art and music.

3. Understanding and Group Support

When you or your child are better we don’t just stop there, but help you link back in with others (family, friends, school) and finally find a place for yourself in the wider community. Research has shown that people do better when they feel supported by a number of people and once they feel a sense of belonging in a circle of like-minded people.  So once you have achieved your individual goals, we aim to help you maintain your gains and consolidate your learnings in a group which we facilitate.

Finally we help you identify and find a place to belong and contribute in the community. This could be helping you find work, a class or course, or link in with a volunteer organisation. On one occasion we helped bring about some needed changes in the person’s workplace. (With children, this might be linking them in with a peer group at school, using Sunshine Circles or Group Theraplay.) On three occasions, Juanita has facilitated a drama group in a primary school which taught social skills. These children had been social outcasts at school. Following the drama group, they made friends and gained enormously in confidence. Their mothers commented much later that the experience had ‘turned their child around’.